MTB News: In his latest film project, Tomomi Nishikubo shows once again that he is an absolute virtuoso on two wheels. "Ride to Survive" impresses with creative and technically demanding lines that would be unrideable for us mere mortals. The spectacular highlight of the video is a world's first frontflip off a slackline with a trials bike.
In the almost eight-minute clip "Ride to Survive", Tomomi Nishikubo finds himself stranded on a deserted island with his trials bike. In order to be able to ensure his survival, the Japanese uses his bike in his own individual way. With technical finesse, Tomomi Nishikubo shows trial skills at the highest level and inspires with tricks such as a tire tap to frontflip from a slackline. After successfully completing the Trials Survival Camp, you return to civilization on an improvised raft.
“The front flip off the slackline is probably the most difficult trick in the video. Nobody had dared this combination before, so there were no tips or an example to guide me. I tried to keep going through the sequence of movements on the slackline in my head. We then needed a full day to prepare and test the setup. The next day I did the trick!”
Since the Japanese planned and built all the obstacles himself with the help of some friends, the filming of "Ride to Survive" took up most of the summer. Filmmakers Daisuke Yamasaki and Jidai Malakar and photographer Naoki Morita accompanied Tomomi Nishikubo. An extensive BTS episode on "Ride to Survive" with exclusive impressions of the shooting will follow in a few weeks.
“Fishing with the rear wheel was definitely my favorite part. I actually caught a fish with the fishing line, the tastiest I have ever eaten!”