The LKT Brandenburg team is considered one of the best U23 teams in the country. In recent years, Roger Kluge, Martin Reimer, Michel Koch and Nikias Arndt, among others, have made it into the cycling elite. In addition, the Cottbus team managed to win the U23 Bundesliga, the most important series in Germany, three times in a row.
In the service of the team, Robert Bartko, who retired just a few days ago, was also one of the most successful German track drivers. In the future, the double Olympic champion will remain with the team, although the exact function is still open. "We hope to keep him as close to the team as possible - in which capacity or with which role we will discuss in the near future", according to manager Steffen Blochwitz.
The main goals of the team for the 2014 season are above all the highlights in the region. “With the DM-Bahn and DM-1er-Straße we have two championships in which we don't want to fight for the podium but for victory. After the third win in a row in the Bundesliga, the most important junior series in Germany, this is of course also the focus of the competition planning.”
team lineup
Robert Bartko (official end of career announced, but remains reported), Leon Berger, Sebastian Deckert, Robert William Kessler, Tobias Knaup, Jonas Koch, Tim Reske, Leon Raphael Rohde, Stefan Schäfer, Franz Schiewer, Julian Schulze, Carl Soballa, Willi Willwohl , Stephanie Pohl