Spectrum: Many will have heard the name Martyn Ashton. The former trials world champion was mainly known for his Road Bike Party Videos became a world star on YouTube – On September 1, 2013, less than two years ago, the then 39-year-old had a bad fall during a stunt show and has been paralyzed in a wheelchair ever since. But the Briton never gave up and managed the impossible: He's back on the mountain bike.
Anyone who has followed Martyn Ashton's ordeal and knows his statements in interviews and via various social media channels knows what an incredible fighting spirit the Brit has. The paraplegic worked tirelessly not to let this stroke of fate throw him out of life - he trained, worked, spoke to bike and accessory manufacturers - all with the big goal of one day being able to sit on a mountain bike again. But it all seems easier on the outside, because of course an injury like this gnaws at everyone, as Asthon said during the video shoot: "After my accident, it might have seemed a little on my social media profiles that I was taking it all with a smile. I get great messages every day telling me how strong I am dealing with the situation. But the truth is different: I sometimes have incredibly difficult days and phases. It still happens that I wake up and don't want to believe what happened - it paralyzes me, also emotionally."
But he really did it and realized his dream, which he had always believed in. Along with active trials legends Danny MacAskill, Chris Akrigg and Blake Samson, he set out on the downhill trail at Antur Stiniog in Snowdonia. He sits on a Mojo Nicolai Geometron – a standard downhill bike that has a ski seat mounted instead of a normal saddle. This is how Ashton shreds the trails - almost like in the old days. The nice thing for us: The ride was also recorded on video. The sight of his beaming face on the bike will probably bring tears to the eyes of even the toughest gravity racer. Be sure to check it out!